Friedrichs defeated by the Supreme Court

This morning the Supreme Court weighed in on the Friedrichs case. It issued  a one-sentence opinion affirming by a 4-4 vote the decision of the Ninth Circuit upholding the Abood decision and our right to collect fair share fees under the First…

Smith Hill Report, 3-24-16

  March 24, 2016 Guns in Schools The hallways of the Statehouse were pack on Tuesday, March 22nd as the House Judiciary Committee heard a number of bills related to guns. RIFTHP President Frank Flynn provided written testimony in support…

AFT’s Weingarten on Supreme Court Nomination: ‘Do. Your. Job.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Statement from AFT President Randi Weingarten on the Senate’s responsibility to consider President Obama’s nomination for the Supreme Court: “Today, after a careful and deliberate process, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland—chief justice of the U.S. Court of Appeals for…