Student Discipline On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 the RIFTHP raised objections to a student discipline bill promoted by the ACLU. The legislation, S0299 is identical to a House bill introduced by Rep. John Lombardi H5383. The bill would require that…
Pawtucket School Committee Meeting, 4-14-15
Click on the link for the agenda. SC 4-14-15
What We’re Reading
Books about education—some good, some bad, a few great—are published at a constant rate. Here at the AFT, we want to let educators know what they might find worth reading. Starting with this issue ofAmerican Educator, “What We’re Reading” will…
Smith Hill Report 3-30-15
State Surplus, State Pension Contribution Addressed On Tuesday, March 24, RIFTHP Director of Political Activities Maureen Martin spoke in support of legislation that would require the yearly state contribution to the pension system not be reduced until the fund ratio…
Smith Hill Report, 3-19-15
Budget Commission Role Questioned On Thursday March 19, 2015, the RIFTHP testified in support of legislation that would limit the role that state budget commissions play in personnel decisions. The legislation, H5200 by Representative Phillips, would prevent budget commissions…
Pawt. School Committee Meeting, 3-19-15
Click the link below to the budget workshop/school committee meeting for Thursday, March 19, 2015 SC 3-19-15