Teacher Evaluation, Standardized Test Bills Pass Assembly After months of vigorous lobbying by RIFTHP staff and thousands of member contacts with elected officials, the General Assembly moved two significant bills though the legislature on the final day of session on…
PTA and Pawtucket School Committee Agree on Labor Deal
Pawtucket School Committee and Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance Reach Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement Pawtucket, RI – The Pawtucket School Committee and the Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance, AFT Local 930, AFL-CIO, have reached a tentative collective bargaining agreement which was approved by the Committee…
Call to Action
Parents Across Rhode Island ACTION UPDATE MAY 5, 2014 In This Issue Email Senate Education Legal or Civil Rights Assistance Hearing Scheduled Quick Links Our Website News More About Us Email Senate Education Committee Send a Quick Email to the…
AFT Hero in Pawtucket
Local930 has the pleasure of announcing some exciting news for one of our retired members. Carol Keiser, a longtime contributor to the 930 News with her monthly “Retiree Column” has been named one of four semi-finalists in the nationwide…
Mayoral Academy Charter School Approval The RIFTHP testified in support of Representative Peter Palumbo’s bill (H7444) to amend the way mayoral academy charter schools are created. Under current law, a mayor can support a mayoral academy and it can…
Pawtucket Backpackers Update
The Power of ONE in a Caring Community The Pawtucket Backpackers had a successful pilot at three elementary schools and 100 students were served with nutritional supplements on weekends. Beginning this past September, the Pawtucket Backpackers re-instituted the Backpack program in…