Sanders proposes canceling all student debt

Sen. Bernie Sanders wants to cancel all student debt within six months and make college tuition-free and debt-free moving forward. His is the latest plan from a presidential candidate addressing an issue the AFT has pushed for decades—college affordability—and AFT…

Free Summer Meals Now Available Statewide

For Those 18 and Under: Call 2-1-1 to Find Sites in Your Community PROVIDENCE, R.I. – The Summer Food Service Program is now underway at more than 220 program sites in 19 communities, where free meals will be served to Rhode…

AFT town hall welcomes Bernie Sanders

AFT President Randi Weingarten and presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders shared the stage April 14 in Lordstown, Ohio, together condemning the corporate greed—and the Trump administration behind it—that drove the General Motors plant closure there. “We need to make the…