Back to school, back to the union—despite Janus

As the school year begins and teachers prepare their classrooms, the right wing is on the attack, contacting educators and other public sector workers by email, urging them to drop union membership. Anti-union forces are also filing lawsuits to reclaim…

Pawtucket School Committee, 08-26-18

PAWTUCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE WORK SESSION Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 7:00 PM School Administration Building 286 Main Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860 Agenda I. Meeting will come to order a. Roll call b. Pledge of Allegiance II. Public Participation Comments from…

Every child deserves access to a community school

The opening of LeBron James’ new public school in Akron, Ohio, was covered widely in the media this week. The Nation writes, “It is vital that we don’t fall in love with the idea that the wealthy philanthropist, no matter…

Pawt. School Committee Meeting, 7-26-18

PAWTUCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE WORK SESSION Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 6:30 PM School Administration Building 286 Main Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860   I.  Agenda Meeting will come to order Roll call Pledge of Allegiance   II.  Public Participation Comments from…

The AFT opposes Kavanaugh as Supreme Court nominee

A Supreme Court nominee should be fair, independent and committed to protecting the rights, freedoms and legal safeguards that protect every one of us. President Trump’s nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh does not meet this standard. Kavanaugh’s record raises serious concerns…