House begins Higher Education Act reauthorization process
The House education committee will begin marking up a GOP bill to reauthorize—and fundamentally undermine—the Higher Education Act. As written, the bill would make college significantly less accessible and affordable by curtailing or eliminating programs that provide access to college, student…
Pawtucket School Committee, 12-07-17
AFT-endorsed candidates won big on election night
The Nov. 7 election results were a clear and overwhelming rebuke of the fearmongering and race-baiting that embodies Trumpism, AFT President Randi Weingarten says. “It was also clear that voters understood that running as a populist is not the same…
AFT bets big on educator-led collaborations and solutions
Since its launch in 2009, the AFT Innovation Fund and its grantees have tackled important challenges—from designing new systems for teacher development and evaluation, to combating inequity head-on by creating community schools with wraparound services for students; from making that…