Pawtucket Schools Plan Major Increase in Technology Funding

By Local930


Superintendent Cylke, Business Manager Tom Conlon, and Technology Director Hersh Cristino unveiled plans at last night’s budget workshop at a special meeting of the Pawtucket School Committee.  Revenues are expected to slightly increase next year, primarily in increased aid from the State of Rhode Island.  Mr. Conlon and school committee members expressed that the number is an approximation and fluid– they also acknowledged that it doesn’t address important upcoming negotiations between the Pawt. Teacher’s Alliance and the Pawt. School Committee.


Mr. Cristino noted that the largest increase, nearly $600,000 in additional funds will be spent on technology in preparation for the PARCC test in 2014-2015.  Cristino explained how the funds will be spent, not only on additional computers and document readers but also on appropriate infrastructure to support the additional technological resources such as updated wireless system.


Other noted line items increases address building repairs and substitute teachers.  Mrs. Cylke is cognizant of the condition of many of our schools and is trying to increase the amount given to each school by addressing the maintenance and repairs needed to make the school’s safe.  Regarding substitutes, their pay is set to increase next year from $85 to $100 per day.