PTA Sponsored Professional Development

Professional Development

To register, visit the following website:



Title: Math Practice Standards/ Questioning in Mathematics

  • Facilitators: Jodie Olivo and Jo-Ann Enander
    Audience: All Grade Levels
    Date: September 17, 2015
    Time: 3:30-5:30
    Location: Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance
    413 Central Ave. Bldg. #3 Suite 100
    Participants will learn the Standards of Mathematical Practices that are part of the Common Core Math Standards for students. Participants will also learn the effectiveness of questions during math instruction.


Title: Multiplication Continuum

  • Facilitator: Jodie Olivo and Jo-Ann Enander
    Audience: Grades 3-5
    Dates: 9/24/15 3:30-5:30
    Location: Pawtuket Teachers’ Alliance
    413 Central Ave. Bldg. #3 Suite 100


  • This workshop will focus on the progression of multiplication from concrete representations to the standard algorithm. Participants will leave with an understanding of how previous strategies connect to multi-digit multiplication.


Title: Making Parents Partners and Guardians Partners in Educating Students

  • Facilitator: Anne Toole and Kristen Enander
    Audience: All Grade levels
    Date: 9/26/15
    Time: 9-12
    Location: Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance
    413 Central Ave. Bldg. #3 Suite 100, Pawtucket RI


  • Students do better in school when their families are engaged as partners.There are studies and research that show what makes family engagement most effective. Our goals are to engage parents using research based strategies,
    utilize the strategies to address the diversity in our communities and implement two – way communication with our parents.


Differentiated Tasks (parts 1 and 2)

  • Facilitators: Karen Brochu and Michelle Depot
    Date: October 6 and 13, 2015
    Time 3:30-5:30
    Location: 413 Central Ave.
    Bldg. #3 Suite 100,  Pawtucket RI 02861
    Audience: All


  • Differentiated Tasks Part 1, All of us have diverse classrooms,join us to learn about what differentiation is,the theories behind differentiation instruction,and different ways to incorporate it into our classrooms.
    Differentiated Tasks Part 2: Now that you know what differentiation is, and how to incorporate it into your classroom, join us for a make and take. Bring a Unit if a Study with you, and together we will create Choice Boards to help teachers begin differentiating in their classrooms.


Title: Operations With Fractions

  • Facilitators: Jodie Olivo and Jo-Ann Enander
    Audience: All grade level educators
    Dates: October 15, October 20,
    Time: 3:30-5:30
    Location: Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance
    413 Central Ave.
    Bldg #3 suite 100 Pawtucket RI 02861


  • Participants will learn strategies to help students to understand operations with fractions.



Title: Getting to Know Your Contract

  • Facilitator: Ron Beaupre
    Audience: All New Hires
    Date: October 21, 2015
    Time: 3:30- 5:30
    Location: Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance
    413 Central Ave. Pawtucket RIBring your contact and get familiar with and learn about your Union Contract.
    *This is required for all New Hires
    * This is not eligible for Flex PD Open Choice


Title: Fundamental Differences

  • Facilitators: Jodie Olivo and Jo-Ann Enander
    Audience: Grade 3-5 educators
    Date: October 22, 2015
    Time: 3:30-5:30
    Location: Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance
    413 Central Ave. Bldg #3 Suite 100  Pawtucket RI 02861


  • This workshop will focus on Fractions, Decimals and Whole Numbers.


Title: Instructional Considerations for Students with Disabilities

  • Facilitators: Karen Brochu and Sharon Usher
    Audience: All
    Date: October 27 and October 29, 2015
    Time: 3:30-5:30
    Location: Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance
    413 Central Ave. Bldg #3 Suite 100  Pawtucket RI


  • The adoption of the Common Core Standards has placed increased attention on the need for all students to meet rigorous academic standards and for teachers to use instructional strategies to meet a diverse set of student needs. New evaluation systems require teachers to demonstrate their effectiveness in engaging students, differentiating instruction, using higher level questioning techniques and more. To meet these challenges, teachers need opportunities to learn about and share strategies designed to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse set of students, including those with special needs.